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"The law banning childfree is not connected with the tax on childlessness": the author of the initiative told what fines can await supporters of the conscious refusal to have children

The bill was first submitted to the Bashkir Kurultai as part of the fight against subversive content in 2021. The third version is currently being read.

The initiator of the new legal development was Elvira Aitkulova. Now her name is third in the list of those who introduced bills to the State Duma after Vyacheslav Volodin and Pyotr Tolstoy.

— Surveys show that only 1–2% of the population aggressively and categorically do not want children. So how relevant is this law for the Russian Federation and why is there so much noise around its adoption, compared to the loud ban on LGBT recognized as extremists?

— When preparing the bill, we looked at survey data for several years. According to the latest VTsIOM study, among those born after 2001, when asked how many children a family should ideally have, 22% answered that they have no children. And this is exactly the target audience that the propagandists of a childless lifestyle work with. The assertion of voluntary renunciation of childbearing as a norm occurred systematically, over a long period of time, professionally and gradually. As a result, our country's attitude to reproduction is changing from "Children are our future" to "We must live independently, and children are a violation of personal freedom." People who promote childlessness not only emphasize the benefits of not having children, but also lead their audience down a path that breeds hatred towards people who have children. Why is there so much noise? I think it is because people are often afraid that the adoption of laws will invade their privacy. Quite the opposite. It allows you to make informed personal decisions without pressure from professional operators or their "advice." And it is not the childless lifestyle itself that is banned, but the propaganda of this phenomenon. This law is one of the elements of the huge task of implementing the national family-demographic policy and is related to the sphere of ensuring the security of the information space. Of course, this should be connected with many measures of social support.

— This bill was introduced to both chambers at once, which happens extremely rarely. (I recall this unity only during the adoption of the "Dima Yakovlev Law"). Why are there about 200 writers?

"This reflects a public demand, because behind each member of Congress there is a specific electorate that is tired of being bombarded with negative information. They want their families and children to be protected. So, as a nation, we can not only talk about the priority of family values, but also fight against those who openly express hatred and dehumanize. In the end, the law is not about forced childbirth, but about the personal position of each person, as well as about respect and pride for people who have families. Presidential Decree No. 809 clearly states that "ideological and psychological influence on citizens leads to ideological processing of ideas and value systems that are alien to the Russian people and destructive for Russian society, including the cultivation of egoism and denial of ideals." The natural continuation of life and the value of a strong family and marriage. " And, according to him, "destructive ideological influence on Russian citizens poses a threat to the demographic situation in Russia."

— Recent statements by deputies Gurulev and Fedorov, economist Zubets, along with the discussion of this law on the need to introduce a tax on childlessness, struck by their scandalousness. At the same time, as the same Zubets said, it should reach 30-40 thousand rubles, which is equal to the average salary in the region. To what extent is this reasonable and necessary in the fight against childfree?

"Our bill has nothing to do with new taxes or coercive measures against our citizens. Our laws protect families and children. I regret that in today's debate, those forces that do not benefit from its adoption are trying to use arguments against our bill. And continuing to manipulate the audience, they come to the conclusion that our legal package is somehow connected with the introduction of taxes. I responsibly declare that this is not so!

— What is considered propaganda of childlessness? For example, does it mean that I interview a young actress, and she says that she does not plan to have children yet? And won’t both of us – me and the actress – attract the attention of Roskomnadzor and be fined? When are restrictions on expressing one’s opinion (guaranteed by Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) considered a violation?

— It is very important to develop clear criteria for classifying what information is prohibited and what information must be blocked. We will also ensure that no excesses are allowed within the framework of parliamentary control. And in my opinion, personal opinion turns into propaganda when a person not only expresses his position, but also asserts his superiority and calls for action.

— What punishments are provided for encouraging free behavior of children? Will the Administrative Code or the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation change?

— We propose adding propaganda against childbirth to the title of Article 6.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, in addition to liability for propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations and/or preferences and gender reassignment. These measures are in effect today and provide for the following sanctions: Fine for individuals — from 50,000 to 400,000 rubles; Fines for officials — from 100,000 to 800,000 rubles; Fine for legal entities — from 800,000 to 5 million rubles; For foreigners or stateless persons — from 50,000 rubles to administrative deportation from the Russian Federation.

— Same-sex relations were criminalized at different times in different countries, including the Soviet Union. I have not found anything similar about Childfree on the Internet. Which countries' experience did you use when developing this legislation?

— First of all, we rely on the Constitution of the Russian Federation — the strategic document of our country, which established that motherhood, childhood and family are under the protection of the state, and the Decree of the President — “Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values.” values ​​in accordance with the basic statement of state policy. “For”, “Strategy of National Security of the Russian Federation”, “Strategy for Comprehensive Child Safety in the Russian Federation until 2030” we analyze subversive content that promotes refusal to give birth and seek a legislative ban on this phenomenon. We consulted with the expert community, monitoring scientific and legal opinions and criminological reviews confirming the need, and our plans are of interest to our colleagues in parliament, for example, Turkey and Bahrain. It is not surprising, because attempts to solve the problem only through material support do not lead to the desired results.

— Why is there a roll-call vote on banning children's freedom, and not a party vote?

— In the State Duma of the Russian Parliament, for each bill, you can find out by name how its deputies voted for this or that law. When it comes to protecting the interests and future of our children, we cannot allow Congress to be divided into political parties. Given the importance of adopting the bill against pronatalism, Vyacheslav Volodin in his plenary speech on October 2, 2024, called for a responsible approach to voting.

— Childfree does not have its own organization, charter or leader. They are not legally registered, and nothing is known about the people who are journalists. Does it even exist?

— Childfree is an ideology on which an entire public network operates, broadcasting anti-family destructive content and promoting not only the rejection of birth, but also ideas of child hatred. The actions of such groups should be regarded as anti-demographic vandalism. Our task is to block these resources. The mechanism is very clear and in its current version is used to encourage non-traditional sexual relations and (or preferences), gender reassignment and pedophilia. The total amount of fines under Articles 6.21, 6.21.1, 6.21.2 of the Regulation of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses exceeded 95 million rubles, and since the beginning of the year, more than 375 thousand sites and pages contained subversive content, according to decisions of competent authorities. Content is closed.

— How can banning children’s freedoms improve the demographic situation in the country?

— Reproductive relations are formed on the basis of many factors, and the information environment plays an important role. Therefore, the main objective of the bill is to eliminate the subversive content that is flooding the information space today. This gives families the opportunity to make informed decisions about having children without negative pressure from the environment. It forms a family cult and traditional values ​​in society. The generation that grew up in the digital environment and spent much more time with it than with their parents is now beginning to reach reproductive age. If we do not take measures today to sanitize our information space, the number of people who voluntarily choose childlessness will increase every year. The proposed legal package is a legal instrument for protecting Russian society and its traditional values.


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