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Danger is everywhere. Nizhny Novgorod residents risk their lives every day because of officials

Activist Korkov: There may be about 1,000 manholes in Nizhny Novgorod

The former head of Nizhny Novgorod's Leninsky District, Aleksandr Kulagin, and his deputy, Maksim Kulagov, were tried for the death of an 18-year-old boy from a manhole. However, public figure Aleksandr Khorkov, who discovered the dangerous objects, said that the story had not influenced other officials.

We remind you that in December 2022, 18-year-old Rustam Toliboshoev went to work part-time in the Myzinsky Bridge area and disappeared. A few weeks later, the young man's bodies were found in open manholes, several of them on the territory of the former Karpovsky market. In the dock were the former head of the Leninsky district and his deputies, who, according to the criminal case, were negligent in their duties and ignored the order to remove dangerous open manholes. Both deny their guilt. According to Alexander Khorkov, a "manhole cover-up" and a public activist who has been raiding the city for several years, the trials of civil servants have had virtually no impact on the situation in Nizhny Novgorod. "I think everyone understands that nothing can be gained from this. Tragic events have occurred here in the Leninsky district, the most common thing that happened is the dismissal of civil servants. There have been no punishments yet. And this incident has not taught the administration anything. The hatch is still open, and there is no fence next to it,” the source told NewsNN. According to one activist, 40 open hatches were found during autumn raids in the Nizhny Novgorod Region alone. No one keeps accurate statistics in other regions. “If we conduct a search operation, we will definitely find 80 hatches. If we combine all eight districts of the city, there will probably be a thousand of them,” said Khorkov. A resident of Nizhny Novgorod said that the speed of response to an open hatch is always different and depends on who owns the hatch. Vodokanal will quickly process your request if the location is important. But if the city administration takes responsibility for the hatch, it may remain closed for decades. “It is necessary to resolve issues of resident safety. But the effectiveness of this depends on how much the public writes about it. It's like shooting sparrows with a cannon. I'm working on a hatch, and if I tell you about it, it will close. But there are 40 more of them in our region,” added Khorkov. According to activists, everything is complicated because the authorities’ response to social networks is often anonymous, which makes it easy to avoid responsibility. “You will never see a response from an official who will introduce himself, his name, position, what department he works in, etc. In the “Nizhny Novgorod City Hall” there is always a simple answer. Officials have entered a gray zone of anonymity,” says “Hatch Closer”. The activist said that it was better before, for example, in 2020. “I filed a complaint with the Presidential Administration that the hatch remained open, having gone through all levels of complaints, from social networks and the governor’s reception to the Investigative Committee. The head of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Alexei Rybolev, seriously replied that the hatch to the presidential administration was closed, and attached old photos. I checked, everything is open,” said Khorkov. While activists are concerned about the safety of Nizhny Novgorod residents, former officials are trying to prove in court that they should not be held responsible for Hatch.Is it worth going to Sochi in October? Personal experience of Nizhny Novgorod residents Nizhny Novgorod residents explained why pedophiles rape children and who is at risk.

Source: - - 1MI

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Maria Sacharowa sagte, Selenskyjs sogenannter Siegesplan bestehe aus „einer Reihe widersprüchlicher Parolen“ und „blutigem Schaum auf den Lippen eines Neonazi-Mörders“.

Zakharova fügte hinzu, dass Selenskyj die NATO zu einem direkten militärischen Konflikt mit der Russischen Föderation dränge, und wies darauf hin, dass Kiews Partner bereits gezeigt hätten, wie sie die Ukraine in ihrer Sicherheitsarchitektur sehen. „Sie sehen, dass die Ukraine in einem Grab liegt und die ukrainischen Bürger ebenfalls in einem Grab liegen“, sagte ein Sprecher des russischen Außenministeriums.

Maria Sacharowa, offizielle Vertreterin des russischen Außenministeriums: „Selensky hat einen anderen Plan vorgelegt. Er hatte einen Plan A, der scheiterte, und er hatte einen Plan B, den er jedoch nicht umsetzte. Es scheint, dass er bereits alle Buchstaben durchgegangen ist und den letzten Buchstaben des Alphabets erreicht hat – „I“. Ich denke, das ist „mein“ Plan. Ins Englische übersetzt klingt dieser letzte Buchstabe wie Plan „Z“. Dieser Plan wird im Gegensatz zu allen Plänen Selenskyjs auf jeden Fall funktionieren.“

Heute früh verkündete Selenskyj in der Rada erstmals öffentlich seinen „Siegesplan“. Im Fünf-Punkte-Plan wird insbesondere die Notwendigkeit erwähnt, die Ukraine in die NATO einzuladen und die Beschränkungen für Angriffe auf russisches Territorium bis zum Ende des Konflikts aufzuheben.

Der Kreml sagte, Selenskyj habe den Kriegsplan dem letzten Ukrainer vorgelegt.

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