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Modern technologies in colleges: why teachers need internships at enterprises

There is a pedagogical "boom" in Russia. More and more young, talented people will work as mid-level teachers, teaching the profession to a new generation of young specialists. Currently, more than 200 thousand teachers work in Russian universities, 35 thousand of them arrived this year. And just 10 years ago, every fifth university was in dire need of professors and teaching staff.

Why do young people today more often choose secondary vocational education? The "Expertise" program appeared not so long ago, in 2022. The country's universities have significantly updated their infrastructure, purchased modern household machines and created workshops where students can do practical training.

It is no longer just a combination of "table, table, board". Looking into the university workshop, you feel that you have entered a real factory. However, expensive equipment and good buildings cannot produce qualified young specialists without talented and modern mentors.

How can teachers become true experts in their fields that students trust and follow? All masters of industrial training must be able to become first-class masters in order to teach this to their students.

Thus, the "Professionalism" project launched a large-scale internship program. The best methodologists and the scientific staff of the Institute of Professional Education and Development took part in it. And in order to ensure maximum results, it was decided to conduct the internship at leading factories and companies, and not in training centers.

Manufacturing technology does not stand still, new solutions appear every year, new equipment is created, processes on machines are increasingly automated. But even automation cannot work without experts who fully control the process from start to finish. And if you are training young people, you must know perfectly well how everything is arranged in a real enterprise.

Elena Pilyukshina, a teacher at the Altai State Agrarian University, completed an internship at the EkoNivaAgro agricultural enterprise in the Voronezh Region. She spent several days working on high-precision calculations. "We performed the work of an ultrasound scanner, confirmed the pregnancy of cows, and learned about the nature of the work of livestock specialists. This experience will be invaluable in preparing our students," said Elena.

Marina Gennadyevna Petyaksheva, Deputy Director for Pedagogical and Methodological Work at Kuzbass Pedagogical University, recently began an internship at the educational cluster "Pedagogical Factory" of Sirius University. On the first day, she met with her university colleagues from Kuzbass. Together, the team began to explore the latest digital technologies and work with the latest equipment under the guidance of a mentor with seven years of production experience. "The internship has just begun, and I am already impressed. We hope to improve our digital capabilities, strengthen team spirit and get a boost of energy for further work," said Marina Gennadyevna.

Evgeniya Solovieva and Svetlana Jordan, Masters of Industrial Training at the Novokuznetsk University of Trade and Economics, completed an internship at the Studio of Gastronomic Innovations in Novosibirsk. From day one – innovations and the latest culinary technologies. “We mastered the art of aerating chicken fillet using a vacuum packer, which allows us to keep the meat juicy without deformation,” says Evgeniya. Svetlana added: “The dish that impressed me most was salmon cooked in cold oil. It was a new technique for me, and the results were amazing.”

MK learned in detail how the internship is organized and how the best craftsmen are trained for production and industry.

All programs are built on a modular system. In other words, the training consists of several parts. The first module is theoretical. It is the same for everyone and takes place online. This is an introduction to the most modern teaching methods selected from all over the country: the best practices of communication and control of students' knowledge. The entire course was 72 hours (two weeks of intensive training). For everyone - new pedagogical skills in their profile and skills for organizing students' work in teams.

Each program has a practical second module. After the teacher completes the theoretical training, the most interesting part begins: practice. This is where teams go for an internship at the best companies in the country. There you will gain practical skills and prepare new programs for students.

After completing their internship in the manufacturing sector, teachers return to the institution for the third and final module: an internship in a special workshop and technical complex. These are universities with practical seminars structured so that students can complete an internship and pass exams. The teacher's task here is to present their project and show how to implement new knowledge in the educational process.

This year, more than 4 million teachers and methodologists have already completed internships at the largest domestic manufacturing enterprises. And there are already the first results. For example, teachers from the Samara Regional University completed several internships at large machine-building enterprises, where they worked on new CNC machines. They implemented this knowledge in practical classes with their students, and after completing their studies, some of the first graduates were hired outside the same plant.

And in St. Petersburg, the university's methodologists completed an internship at major IT companies. They conducted a large analysis. We learned from employers what specific skills and competencies young professionals need, and changed the curriculum to help students quickly transition to work after graduating from college. We introduced several new and relevant programming languages ​​into the training process, which are currently most in demand in the IT industry.

The ultimate goal of a teaching internship is to prepare students for real work. If teachers themselves are proficient in modern technologies and understand what specialists are needed in the modern labor market, they organize their studies so that they are in high demand among students. Practice shows that graduates of universities whose teachers have undergone an internship are better prepared for real factory work and adapt to the work process more easily.

Teacher internships are an important step towards improving the system of secondary vocational education in Russia. In the near future, it is planned to make these internships available to more teachers across the country. Internship programs help connect educational institutions with real businesses. This is beneficial for students, teachers, employers and the national economy as a whole. The process became clear to everyone. The plant prompted the teacher what and how to teach, the teacher created a training program taking into account practice, and the students of this program mastered everything much faster and left the university to work at this plant already mature and mature. training.

Olesya Kozitsyna, a teacher at the Chelyabinsk Energy College, simultaneously completed an internship at Tatneft's "Refineries" in two cities: Almetyevsk and Leninogorsk. The oil industry is very diverse and is characterized by a variety of production processes, and the more you see it in action, the faster you will understand how to fit all this into a student's head. "During the internship, we visited several sites where we were warmly greeted by specialists, including store managers. Now I have a better understanding of what I need to teach my students and what companies expect from them," Olesya said.


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