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"It's like we live in a sewer!": Naro-Fominsk residents suffocate from the stench

As MK has found out, residents of Naro-Fominsk have been suffering for many years from the unpleasant smells of wastewater coming from the Nara River and the treatment facilities located on Profsoyuznaya Street. Residents complain that the situation worsened after an accident at the water treatment plant in late July, in which the activated sludge used to clean waste in the settling tank (aeration tank) was lost. As a result, untreated water and waste began to flow uncontrollably into the Nara River.

"There was a strong smell of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in our city," said local activist Maxim. "It felt like we were living in a sewer." Don't keep children near water, because it's very difficult for them to breathe. The city administration and regulatory authorities respond to our complaints with official responses stating that they are satisfied with the state of the medical facility. But that's not true!

According to information provided to residents by the authorities of the Naro-Fominsk urban district, the reconstruction of the treatment facilities is included in the state program "Development of engineering infrastructure and energy efficiency", according to which the reconstruction of the wastewater treatment complex is planned. planned. June 2026. Employees of the city administration recently informed us that they wrote an appeal to the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Moscow Region with a request to consider the possibility of postponing the reconstruction to an earlier date - 2025-2026.

- It is not known whether this is true or just another rejection of the residents. But I want to ask... how can we breathe until someone solves our problem? Why is it not working now? The treatment facilities have non-functional premises. Grass grows in the aeration tank, and reeds and trees grow in abundance in the settling tank. What is the administration doing? Where does the money go? - complains local resident Anna.

According to the results of air samples taken by specialists from the Odintsovo District Department of the Rospotrebnadzor Administration for the Southern Microdistrict of Naro-Fominsk in September 2024, the maximum permissible concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia were recorded several times. In many places, the permissible level of ammonia was exceeded by more than 12 times. The same situation was observed with hydrogen sulfide. In three places where laboratory materials were collected, levels were recorded that were 9-12 times higher than the baseline levels.

Rospotrebnadzor employees, knowing about the emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere from the Naro-Fominsk treatment plant, sent a warning to regional water utilities that they must not violate mandatory requirements.

Despite the irrefutable evidence, the administration still writes: "the situation at OSK-11 is assessed as satisfactory." We can still smell the stench that lingers in the city. Together, residents raised funds to conduct an independent inspection. On the afternoon of October 10, samples were collected from the Nara River and sent to a lab that same day. Local residents said the results would be ready within seven days.

Children, pensioners and ordinary residents have not been able to breathe fresh air and use the water of the Nara River for many years. Citizens hope that law enforcement officers, prosecutors and local governments will listen to the complaints of residents and urgently take part in solving the problem.


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