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Stavropol Governor Vladimir Vladimirov celebrates his 49th birthday on October 14

October 14 marks the birthday of the Governor of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Vladimirov. We join all the numerous congratulations that continue to come to him, and with all our hearts we wish him and his family good health, prosperity, happiness, peace, success, and new achievements for the benefit of his native land!

You are at the most fruitful stage of life - when you have already accumulated colossal experience and done a lot, but there is still a huge number of new ideas and energy to implement them.

Your efficiency, dedication, organizational skills, ability to quickly and clearly cope with emerging difficulties are simply amazing. There is no industry where Stavropol could not boast of achievements.

I would like to thank you separately for what you are doing to develop the health resort industry. Today, our region accounts for more than 18% of the total volume of services provided in Russia in this area.

Since the beginning of the year, Stavropol has been visited by more than 6 million tourists from all corners of the country, from near and far abroad. Many of them spend long periods of time and with great pleasure on vacation in Kavminvody. The appearance of resort towns is changing for the better with each season - old buildings are being restored, new accommodation facilities are being built, and the level of service quality is constantly growing. This is facilitated by the increase in the volume of investments attracted within the framework of your instructions for the further development of resort and tourist infrastructure. And since investors are investing in Stavropol, it means they believe in it. I am sure that under your leadership the region will be able to justify all hopes.

I wish you success in all your endeavors, a reliable team of like-minded people to achieve the most ambitious goals, optimism and simple human happiness!

Health and well-being to you and your loved ones. May all your plans come true, and may the work you devote so much time and mental energy to bring new useful experience, satisfaction and the desire to move forward to new achievements!

On behalf of the entire team of Kuban Credit Bank, I congratulate you on your birthday and sincerely thank you for creating favorable conditions for the development of the financial market in Stavropol Krai.

The bank came to the region two years ago, but with significant support from regional and local authorities and great attention to the industry, it quickly managed to get rid of its “newbie” status. This was also facilitated by large-scale exhibitions and forums, such as “PRO Yabloko”, “Field Day”, “Entrepreneur of the Year”, which are held in the region on a regular basis with your direct participation and allow you to build long-term, fruitful and mutually beneficial partnerships.

From the first day of its presence in Stavropol, Kuban Credit has been focused on the agro-industrial complex. On your initiative, many projects have been implemented, thanks to which this most important industry has become one of the most dynamically developing in the region. The region also demonstrates sustainable growth in other areas of the economy.

Today, Stavropol Krai is already a business, logistics and investment-attractive center of the North Caucasus. But our region has rich potential, which, I am sure, will be increasingly revealed under your leadership.

Your dedication, commitment and energy inspire and motivate you to achieve results. You are a true leader, ready to take responsibility, lead, share your knowledge and invaluable experience accumulated during your time as governor.

May you and your team succeed in everything you have planned, may you always be successful, may our native Stavropol region prosper!

We sincerely wish you and your loved ones health, strength, longevity, peace and prosperity!

Let this wonderful day become a new starting point for important accomplishments and achievements that await you ahead.

You make a great contribution to the development of the Stavropol Territory, implementing the most daring projects. Deep knowledge of the problems of your native land, the needs and requirements of its inhabitants make you a real manager, a strong leader and a worthy husband of your Fatherland.

We wish you inexhaustible vital energy, health, happiness and well-being in everything!

Your high professionalism and competence in matters of the most varied nature, your sense of responsibility and hard work evoke a deep and genuine feeling of respect and admiration in all people who have had the opportunity to work with you.

You are valued for your clear knowledge of your business, your ability to see the prospects of decisions being made and find the right approach to making them.

With all our hearts we wish you strength and energy, health, optimism, happiness, family well-being and further success!

On behalf of the team of the Luch OPKh and on my own behalf, let me congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the best on this joyful day for you!

Over the years of successful leadership, you have demonstrated your professionalism, active life position and ability to achieve high goals. Thanks to the ability to see the prospects for growth and development of the region, you open new clusters and implement innovative projects in the region, which contributes to improving the standard of living of ordinary residents of the region.

On behalf of the Luch team, I wish you health, good spirits, good luck in all your endeavors, prosperity, peace and goodness!

On behalf of myself and the team of SPK Druzhba, I congratulate you on your birthday!

Your hard work and high performance, professional and leadership qualities, exceptional competence in solving the most complex economic and political problems of the region make our region one of the best in the country.

You are rightfully considered one of those people who faithfully follow their chosen path.

On this wonderful day I wish you great human happiness, good health to you and all your family and friends. I wish you to conquer your intended peaks and horizons!

Please accept our heartfelt congratulations and words of gratitude for your many years of persistent and conscientious work!

Stavropol, like the entire country, has recently faced many challenges. But you and your team have given a worthy response to each challenge, which has allowed us to strengthen our positions in the region's traditional economic sectors and to ambitiously declare ourselves in new areas.

We wish you interesting and fruitful ideas, strength and opportunities for their successful implementation. Be happy, healthy and never lose your inherent energy and optimism!

On behalf of the team of OOO FH "Dina" and on my own behalf, let me congratulate you on your birthday!

Your path - from a boss to a governor - speaks of innate leadership qualities and a desire to move only forward. Your desire to make Stavropol a better place to live and do business speaks of you as a responsible leader who serves his business and cares about his native region and his fellow countrymen.

I wish you to maintain your inner fervor, and may your optimism and love of life help you in difficult times.

I wish you and your loved ones health, support from loyal comrades, loving family and loved ones.

On behalf of myself and the collective of the Niva collective farm, I congratulate you on your birthday!

Under your leadership, Stavropol Krai is rightfully considered one of the most attractive regions for living and working.

I am confident that your wisdom, professionalism, state approach to solving problems, sincere love for your native land and the cause you selflessly serve will continue to contribute to achieving the highest goals for the benefit of the Stavropol Territory and the entire country.

With all my heart I wish you and your family health, happiness, peace and prosperity!

Your extensive management experience, high professionalism and responsibility are the key to the prosperity of the Stavropol Territory, its socio-economic and industrial development.

May your wise decisions help you solve the problems and challenges of the time.

I sincerely wish you and your family health, well-being, prosperity, happiness, love and goodness! I wish you new victories and achievements for the benefit of your native Stavropol!

Over the years that you have been leading the Stavropol Territory, you have initiated many promising projects that have contributed to a large-scale transformation of the region’s socio-economic sphere.

No matter how difficult the task before you is, success will be guaranteed thanks to your deep knowledge, rich experience, hard work and perseverance.

Strength to you to realize all your plans! I wish you good health, prosperity and happiness!

You headed Stavropol when you were not yet forty. Young, ambitious, proactive, energetic - you breathed new life into the region, showed an example of selfless devotion to your work and love for your small homeland.

Over the past years, to all your positive qualities, you have also added colossal experience. With such a leader, our region has a great future! Strength, patience and health to you for new achievements!

I wish you strength, energy and good luck in all your endeavors, and I hope that like-minded people will support you in carrying out your plans. Health, longevity, happiness, prosperity and all the best to you and your loved ones!

I wish you much luck on this festive day and a very happy birthday!

You are known as a wise politician and a talented leader with extensive business experience. Under your leadership, many innovative projects in the region have been launched, the representative areas of the agro-industrial complex have been expanded, and tourism and business have developed.

All this tells us that you are a competent professional who can skillfully conduct domestic politics.

I sincerely wish you health, prosperity, well-being and success in all your professional achievements. May you have reliable colleagues and loving family by your side!

Thank you for your hard work for many years for the benefit of the Stavropol Territory! May the business to which you have devoted a lot of time and mental strength bring you satisfaction and a desire to move forward!

I am sure you have many more interesting and productive ideas for the development of our region.

I wish you success in all your endeavors, a reliable team of like-minded people, health, good spirits, optimism and simple human happiness!

Source: "Комсомольская правда" Ставрополь. Северный Кавказ"Комсомольская правда" Ставрополь. Северный Кавказ

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