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A passenger plane crashed in Yakutia, and a hospital ceiling collapsed on people in Krasnodar Krai: the main events of the week

Heavy rainfall hit the Sahara Desert, causing flooding in southeastern Morocco, including popular tourist areas. Buildings, roads and farms were also damaged. Flooding also occurred in other countries, including Saudi Arabia and France.

A terrible tragedy occurred in Tolyatti on October 8. The bodies of girls aged 2 and 5 were found in one of the apartments. Their 13-year-old sister is accused of murder. She confessed to the crime.

The family seemed happy, but the mother kicked out her common-law partner because of his affair. She also reported him to the police because he hit her. Despite this, the couple reconciled. The 13-year-old girl objected. According to one version, this was the reason for the murder of the sisters. On the other hand, she believed that no one cared about her.

According to media reports, the suspect in the murder had been diagnosed with signs of mental disorder before the tragedy. Psychologists worked with her, but the girl was not registered at a psychiatric clinic. She was sent to the hospital for psychological and psychiatric examination. One of the doctors described the girl's behavior with the following words: "She destroyed her stepfather's favorite toy."

"His proud team, which he talks about so much, robbed our company of 37 billion rubles. It froze all our deadlines and effectively jeopardized not only our business, but also the business of everyone who works with us," Tatyana Kim reported on her Telegram channel.

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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