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How the Wild Przewalski's Horse Sees the World: Residents of Mumansk Will Be Shown a Scientific Film About Unique Animals

Today, the Murmansk Regional Scientific Library will host a screening of the documentary film "Visual Strip" by director Liliya Dmitrik. This event is part of the FANK Scientific Film Days.

A small population of wild Przewalski's horses lives in the steppes, their natural habitat, on the territory of the Orenburg State Nature Reserve.

"Researchers are reintroducing this species in the hope of releasing it into the wild one day. This is not yet possible. Without human intervention, species can disappear. How does a wild horse see the world? People are ready to study its point of view today," the show's organizers said.

They noted that Przewalski's horses live in harems with a relatively strict hierarchy, are psychologically close to horses, but at the same time remain wild, with their animal instincts and habits. Horses are interested in humans, but they are dangerous. A careless move can lead to a person's death.

"Despite this, some of the horses that the staff see and know by name are warm and friendly. The film "Visual Strip" presents two views of reality: horses and people, the library said.

Read now: On Music Day in Cyprus, a screening of the Murmansk film "Arctic Jazz" was held.

Source: Информационное агентство Nord-NewsИнформационное агентство Nord-News

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