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"I write scripts for myself": how actor Roman Kurtsyn became a producer and casts himself in leading roles

— This is an annual tradition. We want children to treat nature and the world around them correctly and to value their green friends,” Roman said in an interview with 76.RU correspondents. “I think it’s really great to see a child bring flowers to school and exchange them.” Children often return the plants to each other. It turns out that the first person took care of the flower, and the other took care of it. This is a true story about a person’s attitude to the world. I really want my children to take care of nature and treat it responsibly.

"The main goal is for kids to go to school happy at 7 a.m.," Kurtsyn said. "I remember how hard it was for me and I didn't want to go to school. My goal is to be in this building with these teachers and our approach so that they wake up at 7 a.m. and say, 'School? That's too much! I want to go to school.' And that's how it happens. They're happy here.

— I really didn’t like school. It was my biggest problem. It finally got easier when I went to middle school, fell in love for the first time and went to an all-girls school,” Roman Kurtsyn said with a smile. — School is a tough road. When I was in the 6th or 7th grade, I transferred to a new school, but they didn’t accept me. The men I studied at that school didn’t treat me very well. I’m a creative person. I had to go against the system. When I was in high school, I knew I had to study to get into drama school. If I had been a bad student before, I finished the 11th grade as an excellent student.

- We take everyone: sick, lame, crooked. Mostly, these are rescued animals. From storks to horses, peacocks and ducks. We collect everyone who feels sorry for them. We have a lot of dogs. "We can't pass by," the actor said. - I recently received emergency care. He broke his wing. He was picked up right in front of the school. My daughter found him. Since he is a flightless animal, we had to build a separate cage. Caring for a stork is not easy. They should be kept at the same temperature all year round, kept near water and fed fresh fish. There are many problems, but if you walk around the area, it looks very beautiful.

"I have no free time at all"

- As you know, I am so cunning that I write and produce my own films. At the moment, I have a simple plan. Before, I had to make do with what I had and find projects that would interest me as an actor. Now I just act as a scriptwriter and producer and take on the leading role. I like it. It's just that the action genre is rarely filmed here and, it seems, is not developed yet. I would like to take action films under my wing.

— I think a happy person is one who has no free space in his diary. I have no free time at all. I think I will take a break from filming when I come to Yaroslavl. But this is preparation for a new project, writing a script, daily meetings with stuntmen and developing the action. It is a 24/7 schedule.

The children, having learned about this on the street, stand up to defend their father.

— My son wants to connect his life with cinema. He starred in my film "Lihiy" (the author has not yet determined the age limit. — Ed.). "I played myself as a child in a New Year's film that comes out in winter," Roman said. — I don't know about my daughter. I asked her: "Do you want to star in a film?" She answered: "Why do you need this trouble?" But she is a very creative person. Whatever she does, she succeeds. What I can't say about my son is that he, like me, has to work hard to achieve something. I don't push either one way or the other.

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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