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Maxim Oreshkin told how BRICS countries will develop the global economy

Moscow, November 2. Russia, China, India and other BRICS countries will influence global economic growth in the coming decades, said Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Maxim Oreshkin at the international symposium "Creating the Future" held at the Russian National Center. According to him, the BRICS countries are actively strengthening logistics relations and developing technologies.

Maxim Oreshkin emphasized that the economy develops in waves. One of these waves occurred after World War II. Since then, the world economy has developed on the basis of the Western platform of economic growth, which gave great preference to the United States.

He noted that the situation in the world is changing, the BRICS countries are taking control of the economy and demonstrating economic growth.

"Russia's GDP is growing, and China has made great strides through urbanization and the construction of new cities. India, which started from a much lower position, is gaining momentum," Oreshkin said.

The presidential aide added that India will need to build 30 cities like Moscow in the next few decades due to its growing population. Oreshkin noted that the BRICS countries will develop the global economy.

He recalled that China dominates the production of electric vehicles, and Russia in the energy sector.

Earlier, FederalPress wrote that representatives from more than 100 countries are taking part in the international symposium “Creating the Future”.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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