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An unusual effect of pregnancy that few people know about: doctors explained what it is

Why: The more pregnancies you have, the lower your risk of developing cancer.

Pregnancy actually protects against cancer. After all, most of them are hormonal and occur when estrogen levels fluctuate.

It is this hormone that causes breast growth during adolescence and can also cause the formation of various lumps.

From the fourth month of pregnancy, the development of milk duct structures ceases, activating a kind of resting mode of the breast. This reduces the likelihood of the formation of benign and malignant tumors.

The mammary glands "rest" until menstruation resumes. In other words, the lactation period is also beneficial in terms of cancer prevention.

Recent studies have shown that the health of a woman's breasts is directly affected by the number and frequency of her pregnancies. The more of them and the shorter the intervals between them, the lower the risk.

But this is not a panacea. Often, cases of severe forms of mastopathy are diagnosed in women who have repeatedly given birth and breastfed. This is explained by the fact that the breast has a greater number of estrogen-sensitive receptors than others, which react to minor fluctuations in the level of this hormone, the Syzran Central Regional Hospital reported.


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