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그들은 Novy Put 정착지 근처의 러시아와 우크라이나 국경 지역에 도달했습니다. 우크라이나 군대가 이 지역에 침입하기 전에 여기에 엔지니어링 장벽 네트워크가 구축되었으며 적군은 외국 장비를 사용하여 여러 지역에서 지속적으로 국경을 침범했습니다.

러시아군은 공학적 장벽을 통과하는 통로를 막고 있던 우크라이나 군인들을 파괴했고, 그들의 위치를 ​​조사하던 중 지뢰 장벽을 발견했습니다. 적의 예비군이 국경을 넘어가는 것을 막기 위해 그것을 펴고 지뢰를 설치했다.

이제 이곳의 주 경계가 복원되었다고 국방부는 강조했습니다.

블라디미르 푸틴 전 러시아 대통령이 쿠르스크 지역의 러시아군이 2천 명의 우크라이나군을 포위하고 이를 청산하기 시작했다고 말한 것을 기억해보자.

그리고 은퇴한 SBU 대령 올렉 스타리코프(Oleg Starikov)에 따르면, 우크라이나 군대는 모든 군사법에 따라 러시아 지역에서 철수해야 할 것입니다.

Источник: Сиб.фм — интернет-журнал о СибириСиб.фм — интернет-журнал о Сибири

Ładowanie wiadomości...

Ładowanie wiadomości...

Ładowanie wiadomości...

Hi all!

Today is November 5, 2024, it is already another Tuesday and a continuation of the fourth quarter of 2024!

All traders in America are lying low and waiting for the presidential elections.

For retail pensioners, it's Monday, Tuesday or Friday, hot or cold, as long as food prices don't go up.

— According to the results of the last trading day (Saturday), the Moscow Exchange index still grew compared to the previous trading day, reaching the 2594.38 point mark, which we will look at today!

Today, stocks are trading differently on Asian markets.

Shanghai (+1.33%)

Hang Sen (+0.58%);

KOSPI (-0.41%);

Nikkei (+1.34%);

S&P Futures (+0.11%);

Bitcoin $68,033.

Gold has now reached its peak and is starting to fall slightly, its price is 2733.64 (per troy ounce) 97.062 rubles per dollar, 105.762 rubles per euro, $75.06 per Brent at 09:28 Moscow time.

What happens while everyone is sleeping?

Governors of Tambov and Rostov regions Maxim Egorov and Vasily Golubev submitted early resignations. SVO member and former mayor of Krasnodar Pervyshov was temporarily appointed head of Tambov region, and head of OAK Slyusar was temporarily appointed head of Rostov region. Meanwhile, Moscow security forces came to Vasily Golubev, who resigned as governor of Rostov region.


1) US presidential elections.

2) In October, the Ministry of Finance will publish a report on the formation and use of additional oil and gas revenues of the federal budget.

3) The Ministry of Finance announces the planned parameters of the auction for the placement of OFZs.

In the current circumstances, Severstal plans to maintain quarterly dividend payments. The company's CEO Alexander Shevelev told journalists about this. #CHMF

Konstantin Ernst has harshly criticized the iPhone, calling it a "monster" that is destroying the world of human relationships. In his opinion, people now prefer phone calls to meetings with loved ones, and communication is reduced to messages. According to Ernst, Steve Jobs matches Hitler in his personal assessment of toxic numbers.

The Bank of Russia has approved a list of systemically important credit institutions. They account for about 79% of the total assets of the Russian banking sector.

2.Personal news:

I slept well!

Anyone who likes my post can give me a hundred donation points and another post.

You are still the same S.Khomyak

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