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Incorrigible Kirov resident sent to prison for stealing 11 tubes of toothpaste

In Kirov, a young man with more than a dozen criminal convictions was sentenced. The local prosecutor's office reported that a new criminal case had been opened against him.

In August 2023, Kirov traffic police inspectors stopped a "7" with a drunk driver on board. He was caught repeating the offense and became a defendant in a criminal case. But a month later, the young man went to rob supermarkets and household appliance stores. He was caught stealing two computers, 11 jars of toothpaste and ointment.

For each episode, a new criminal case was opened against the 23-year-old Kirov resident. As a result of the trial, it turned out that the defendant had already been convicted on 10 counts of bribery. Although the criminal admitted his crime and cooperated with the investigation, he was unable to avoid severe punishment.

The court sentenced the man to one year and five months of imprisonment and a fine of 5 thousand rubles. In addition, the young man lost not only his license, but also his car (the car was confiscated). The Kirov District Court rejected the citizen's complaint, and he went to the colony under escort.

Source: Интерактивно-новостной портал PROGOROD43.ruИнтерактивно-новостной портал

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