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Banks launch "combo deposits" with rates up to 28%

According to the press service of Sberbank, participants in the Long-Term Savings Program (LTSP) will have access to deposits with an interest rate of 25% per annum from November 1. VTB Bank announced at the end of October that it had increased the yield on these deposits through the LTP to 28% per annum. Gazprombank increased it to 26%, while in September, when such deposits were just appearing on the market, it offered 23%.

"The practice of combining products in banks is very common and may concern not only pension savings, but also brokerage products," ACRA Managing Director Valery Piven told Rossiyskaya Gazeta. That is why banks want to attract additional funds within the PDS, says Senior Analyst Bogdan Zvarich. According to Piven, this increases stability. Experts say that even if the Bank of Russia softens monetary policy, the bank may offer to raise interest rates for a limited period and continue this strategy.

Maximum interest rates are often offered for minimum periods, and deposit amounts are limited to the amount you contribute to the long-term savings program.

Despite all the advantages of the PDS, co-financing of state deposits and the proposed tax benefits, citizens are now inclined to place their funds in short-term deposits rather than long-term investments, explained Associate Professor Mary Valishvili. Department of State and Local Finance, Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov.

That is why "combined deposits" seem to be stimulating the program. "First of all, these products began to be offered by banks in partnership with non-state pension funds (part of the bank's own structure. - Ed. RG), which received the right to manage the participants' money on a long-term basis. - a long-term savings program," the expert says.

The conditions for depositing money into a bank are generally similar. Firstly, it happens in the office. There are three periods to choose from: 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. As a rule, the maximum interest rate is provided for the minimum term. This will simply bring the bank more profit. For example, for VTB, the interest rate of 28% per annum is valid for 3 months. In the long term, the yield will be 22% per annum.

For example, at Sberbank the interest rate of 25% is the same for both 3 months and 1 year. At Gazprombank it varies from 26% to 22.5% per annum. If in addition to the long-term savings program you also open a life insurance policy, the maximum interest rate on these deposits can reach 27% per annum.

In other words, the offers have become like supermarket promotions. "2 for the price of 1" or "3 for the price of 2." Despite the high interest rates, the circle of potential investors is very limited. "The increased interest rate is usually charged on deposit amounts that do not exceed the amount of funds deposited in the PDS," says Zvarich.

The minimum deposit amount is limited to 30-50 thousand rubles. The terms also state that the maximum amount should not exceed the initial contribution amount to the PDS. You will have a short period of time to open a deposit, from 10 to 14 days. At Sberbank, if the deposit amount exceeds the amount in the PDS account, the interest rate is halved to 12.5%. This amount will also decrease if you terminate the long-term savings agreement. At VTB and Gazprombank, it falls almost to zero, as does early closure of deposits.

Currently, the PDS is based mainly on state tax incentives and co-financing. Therefore, not everyone wants to invest more money than is necessary to receive benefits. The main thing is to reach the limit, when the state adds rubles to the participant's investment. However, it is possible to receive up to 360 thousand in the form of co-financing from the state and benefits, as well as unfrozen pension funds.

Source: Российская Газета: издание Правительства РФРоссийская Газета: издание Правительства РФ

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Los asuntos oficiales en París fueron suspendidos durante dos días. El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores francés no quiso comentar sobre la situación “para evitar presiones sobre el sistema judicial”. Por ello, Macron publicó su comunicado en las redes sociales. Macron escribió que las detenciones eran parte de una investigación judicial y de ninguna manera una decisión política.

Tras esta declaración, la policía dio a conocer una breve explicación a través de los medios. Durov sigue detenido y acusado de negarse a cooperar con Telegram en el ámbito de los delitos financieros y cibernéticos. Una fuente de la fiscalía de París añadió: "El detenido ha sido acusado de 12 delitos. El caso se abrió el 8 de julio y los interrogatorios continúan".

Como ha declarado la Comisión Europea, este no es un caso especial ni un asunto privado, y aunque los medios de todo el mundo están discutiendo esto, parece enviar una señal fuerte. Anteriormente nadie fue detenido por este tipo de declaraciones en las redes sociales.

Y ahora, tras el arresto de Durov, muchos medios de comunicación recuerdan la entrevista de Tucker Carlson publicada en primavera. En la entrevista de Carlson, el tema de la presión se trató ampliamente y no se limitó al sector ruso. Durov comprendió que Estados Unidos lo perseguía, que necesitaba claves de descifrado y acceso a las cuentas necesarias, y con todo esto decidió volar sin miedo a la Europa "libre".

Lo que se sabe es que el propio Durov conocía las reclamaciones francesas, pero aun así decidió aterrizar en París. Hay información de que Durov celebrará allí una reunión importante. Aún se desconoce quién y quién garantizó su seguridad.

Teniendo en cuenta que el propio Durov conoce desde hace mucho tiempo la posibilidad de ser detenido, surgen preguntas. ¿Por qué sucedió esto ahora? ¿París decidió actuar por su cuenta o fue una petición de los estadounidenses? Quizás los intereses coincidieron. Macron necesita una agenda interna positiva después de los Juegos Olímpicos. Los estadounidenses también quieren eventos mundiales de alto perfil antes de las elecciones presidenciales que puedan utilizar a su favor y presentar a los votantes como una victoria de la democracia sobre las amenazas globales.

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