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Fish consumption has increased in Russia. According to the All-Russian Association of Fishery Enterprises, in 2022, there were about 20 kg of fish per capita, now it is 22.5 kg. Residents of Tatarstan have also begun to include fish in their daily diet more often, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan confirmed to Realnoe Vremya. Last year, 424 tons of local commercial fish were sold in the republic, which is 18% more than in the previous year.

"This is explained by growing last year's fish to standard weight. In the first half of 2024, 75 tons of commercial fish products were sold in Tatarstan. The scale of production and sales is as follows: 2023."

Structure of aquaculture production (farming): 207 tons of live carp, 165 tons of live catfish, 223 tons of valuable fish species (trout, salmon, sturgeon).

— There is a tendency to spend a little more, and growth continues. But the sales market is not big enough, and restaurants do not take much because they do not understand. If sturgeon is expensive. All you need to do is to train and guide people. Fish should be available everywhere, — says Vladimir Malygin, founder of the water complex "Biosphere-Fish".

It is noteworthy that the growth in consumption of local river fish is taking place against the backdrop of an 11% reduction in imports, according to a report by the Analytical Center of the Fisheries Federation. This amounted to 420 tons. The Faroe Islands and Chile, which took second and third place among the largest importers and are now out of the top five, have reduced supplies the most. The reason for the decline is problems with logistics and payment. The vacated niche was immediately filled by China, whose share increased to 15% of the total volume. Belarus is still in the lead with 18%.

There are 40 fish farms in Tatarstan, engaged in all areas of aquaculture: pond fish farming, watersheds, pastures and industrial closed water supply facilities (RAS). Pond culture is predominantly widespread, but industrial culture is considered the most productive.

The main fish species grown in fish farms are carp, grass carp, silver carp, white amur and silver carp (herbivorous fish). Sturgeon, rainbow trout, steelhead salmon, American pumpkinseed trout and maroon catfish are grown in RAS conditions. In 2023, Tatarstan fisheries produced 595 tons of commercial fish (92% of 2022). A year ago, it was 645 tons. An even greater decline (-22%) was observed in the production of fish seed.

— The decrease in the volume of commercial fish was due to climatic factors and a decrease in the productivity of fish in ponds and fish products of some fish farms. A similar situation is with fish planting material, 332 tons of fish planting material (78% by 2022), Realnoe Vremya was told in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the first half of 2024, the republic produced 228 tons of commercial fish and 102 tons of fish seed material, which is the same as last year.

According to Vladimir Malygin, the work of his enterprise does not depend on climatic conditions, but works on the principle of RAS (recirculating aquaculture systems), which allows to protect and maintain the population of all young sturgeons. During the year, his company observed a slight decline in fish production. "Production does not increase due to various circumstances." When asked what hinders development, the producers named the workforce as one of the main problems.

He assured that there is no decline in the production of fish seed. "We sell fry and are currently loading trout fry. We will take them somewhere." At the same time, production costs have increased significantly due to rising feed prices, rising electricity prices and rising wages.

The decline in fish production did not affect the Arsk fish farm, but production, according to the management, is growing. The farm grows carp, silver carp and grass carp.

"I can't say for sure yet what will happen this year, because we are now approaching the autumn harvest. However, compared to last year, the catch will be about 5% higher. In total, about 120 tons are produced annually, of which 50 tons are commercial seafood products. The rest is fish seed material. We have maintained prices for five years in a row, and only this year we increased the price from 220-250 rubles per kilogram of commercial fish, because feed, gas, diesel fuel and grain are more expensive," explained Ilshat Ashrafzyanov.

We use only domestically produced feed, but the price has also increased significantly. "There are no problems with the quantity. However, this year the price of granulated feed, especially for fish seed, has increased to about 43 rubles per kg, and not to 27 rubles. This is noticeable. Perhaps some parts have become more expensive," the company said.

Many farms face problems with purchasing compound feed, but Biosfera-Fish has not encountered these problems. "Yes, I have. There is more noise and compound feed there. There are many Russian producers, and there is competition among them too. "Currently, we import foreign feed, but we plan to switch to domestic feed." Nevertheless, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan is concerned about the need to produce its own fish feed in the republic.

— Today in Tatarstan there is no specialized production of complete feed that meets the innovative technological requirements for growing valuable fish species, primarily sturgeon and trout. Russian manufacturers offer feed for carp, sturgeon and trout – the most common objects of cultivation. Combined feed for carp, produced mainly in the southern regions, does not meet the modern level of production profitability in a number of indicators.

For this reason, as indicated by the department, fish farms and farms that have their own production of grain and oilseed crops, including sunflower and soybeans, create mini-workshops for the production of feed, including protein supplements and vitamin premixes. Own grain, oilseed crops and their processed products can make up to 80% of complete feed for carp.

— Domestic feeds often do not meet the requirements of fish production, their composition is unstable, and they are not cheaper than imported feeds. "This worsens both the economic indicators of fish farming and the possibility of stable development of fish farming in Tatarstan," he emphasized.

In this regard, the republic is working to select promising feed ingredients for sturgeon, trout and carp from locally produced raw materials. Research into the raw material potential of ingredients for the production of fish feed has revealed significant opportunities for creating feed additives, including those based on bee products, experts note:

— A significant part of the republic's farms now use only European feed. Given the changing foreign policy situation, some owners have tried to switch to domestically produced feed, but the results have generally been negative.

Tatarstan fish farmers fully support the idea of ​​producing their own complex feed in the republic. “Fish products will become cheaper, but that was the case in Soviet times. I have been working in the company for 10 years, there are employees with 35-40 years of experience. They say that feed used to be brought in by trucks. Currently, subsidies are provided only for the commercial sale of fish (300 rubles/kg). Of course, this was not enough, and we were not able to cover the costs, so this year we had to raise prices. It would be great if there was help with feed,” says Ilshat Ashrafzyanov.

This year, the budget of Tatarstan has allocated 8 million rubles to reimburse part of the costs of purchasing fish planting material and 6 million rubles for the sale of commercial fish. A year ago, 1.14 million rubles and 7.208 million rubles were allocated for the same purposes, respectively. Financial resources from different budget levels within the republic are allocated for the development of fish farming. • Purchase of special equipment and vehicles - 30% of the cost excluding VAT, installation, transport and other services; • Sale of commercial fish products - 20% of the total amount excluding VAT; • Pay off part of the cost of interest payments on loan agreements concluded before 2019 (other measures and conditions for receiving state aid - at the end of the article).

"In fact, everything is very good in the republic with support for fish farms, but with subsidies for current costs it is weak," says Vladimir Malygin. , fuel costs. Somewhere they subsidize extra kilograms of fish, etc. Water is needed for further development and increasing the efficiency of production. Good groundwater and a lot of it - 5000 m3 is needed, because there is no good water. There is not much water in this area. Perhaps we do not know which program to join. But there is such a problem.

— There are many different programs now. The most important thing for us is the repair of hydraulic structures. It is possible that the dam will be repaired and strengthened under the reclamation program of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan. There are no subsidies for this, only for the sale of fish and the purchase of larvae. We buy caterpillars in Moscow, Bashkiria. There is currently a program for reimbursement of costs in the amount of 60-40 dollars, but this is not enough to develop fish farming," said Ilshat Ashrafzyanov.

The fishery fund of the republic includes the water areas of three reservoirs: Kuibyshev - 312,000 hectares, Nizhnekamsk - 90,000 hectares, Zainsk - 2,000 hectares, 580 hectares of feed ponds and 225 hectares of nursery ponds. Among the 40 fish farms of the Republic of Tatarstan, the largest pond fish farms are:

Seafood producers can participate in various government programs. Take advantage of grant support of up to 3 million rubles specifically for Agrostartups. Offer terms - RCM No. 14 July 2021. 572 (as amended by RCM of 25.06.2024 No. 457). Allocate up to 20 million rubles for the development of family fish farms (new version of RCM No. 457 of June 25, 2024). Receiving a subsidy in the amount of 30:70 (RCM No. 397 of May 31, 2021) for part of the costs of purchasing equipment for the development of the material and technological base of agricultural and consumer cooperatives (New version No. 457) of June 25, 2021, 2024) - up to 70 million rubles. Up to 10 million rubles have been allocated for the development of the material and technological base for the creation of agricultural consumer cooperatives (new version of June 25, 2024, No. 457).

Preferential lending is carried out within the framework of the RF Government Resolution No. 1528 of December 29, 2016. "Approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit institutions, international financial institutions and state enterprises "Web.RF" provides for agricultural producers (except agricultural credit consumer cooperatives), the production of agricultural products, raw materials and / or subsequent (production) compensation for loss of income on loans issued to organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in processing and sales. at preferential prices." The current interest rate is 10% per annum.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2016 No. 1528 and Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of February 12, 2024. According to Article 61 "On approval of the procedure for determining the area of ​​targeted use, preferential loans" are provided to producers, organizations or individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production, primary or subsequent processing of agricultural products and their sale, including for aquaculture purposes. Construction of selection and genetic centers, acquisition of technical equipment for selection and genetic centers; • for the construction, reconstruction, modernization and technical re-equipment of private irrigation and drainage systems and fish farms with the right to use by agricultural producers (except for agricultural credit consumer cooperatives), equipment and standardized cost estimates for construction; reconstruction or technological re-equipment of organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in primary and (or) subsequent (industrial) processing of agricultural products, including the acquisition of equipment, installations, sprinklers, pumping stations, water treatment facilities, treatment facilities; • Equipment, external equipment for a period of 2 to 8 years for the construction, reconstruction and modernization of fish hatcheries (fish hatcheries) for the production of planting material for salmon, sturgeon and whitefish species of fish necessary for commercial aquaculture, including the purchase and automation of power supply facilities (substations and air routes), small-scale energy facilities;

To receive preferential loans, producers must contact an authorized bank approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. A licensed bank considers the possibility of providing preferential short-term loans and/or preferential investment loans in accordance with the rules and procedures adopted by the licensed bank. The application is then approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, and the final decision on issuing a loan is made by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Источник: Рамблер/медиа - главные новости и cобытия в России и миреРамблер/медиа - главные новости и cобытия в России и мире

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