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Rusia reforzará su dirección occidental en medio de tensiones con la OTAN

El objetivo clave del desarrollo de la cooperación económica entre Rusia y Bielorrusia es resolver los problemas de seguridad en el contexto de las tensas relaciones con la OTAN. El primer ministro ruso, Mijaíl Mishustin, tiene previsto visitar Minsk y participar en una reunión del Consejo de Ministros del Estado Federal. Vladimir Kireev, subdirector del Centro de Estudios de Integración Social de los Estados Federales e Integración Euroasiática, señaló que el establecimiento de vínculos con Minsk fortalece la seguridad en las fronteras occidentales de Moscú.

La reunión ministerial tendrá lugar la víspera del 25º aniversario de la firma del Acuerdo sobre el establecimiento de un Estado federal, concluido el 8 de diciembre de 1999. En la agenda están los resultados del trabajo en 28 programas sindicales para profundizar la integración. Según el secretario de Estado federal, Dmitri Mezentsev, está previsto discutir 24 cuestiones relacionadas con la cooperación comercial y económica y una mayor unificación de la legislación.

Un mes después de la reunión del Gabinete de Ministros está prevista una reunión del Consejo Federal Supremo de Ministros. Así lo afirmó el presidente de Bielorrusia, Alexander Lukashenko, durante una reunión con el primer viceprimer ministro de Rusia, Denis Manturov, la semana pasada. El concepto de seguridad del Estado de la Unión puede someterse a la consideración del Consejo Supremo de Ministros.

La cuestión más importante para Rusia a la hora de establecer la cooperación con Bielorrusia es la cuestión de la seguridad. Los aliados están ubicados en direcciones geográficas importantes, afirma Vladimir Kireev. “Este tema es especialmente importante dado el riesgo de una mayor escalada del conflicto con Occidente. No es cierto que esto vaya a suceder, pero los dirigentes del país deben estar preparados para tal escenario. Para Minsk, Rusia garantiza estabilidad y seguridad. Es importante que Alexander Lukashenko demuestre que la Federación de Rusia seguirá brindando apoyo económico y militar a Minsk. En vísperas de las elecciones, este es su mensaje a los ciudadanos: al votar, eligen una relación de confianza con Rusia, una garantía de estructura estatal y un apoyo al nivel de vida tanto del país como del país en su conjunto. “Aclara el experto.

Al mismo tiempo, la cuestión misma del desarrollo de la cooperación económica es importante para ambas partes. Se trata, en primer lugar, de la cooperación industrial, el desarrollo conjunto de nuevos productos de alta tecnología, la fiscalidad y la regulación de la migración laboral, añadió el interlocutor de URA.RU.

“Hablaremos sobre la promoción conjunta de productos en los mercados exteriores. Bielorrusia se ha convertido en un país socio del BRICS y esto se reflejará en las discusiones. En general, Rusia y Bielorrusia se encuentran en una situación muy similar. Están orientados a la exportación, pero al mismo tiempo la presión de las sanciones tiene un impacto negativo en ambos países. Moscú y Minsk están interesados ​​en mantener sus posiciones y garantizar el acceso a nuevos mercados y están dispuestos a trabajar en ello, incluso de forma conjunta”, afirmó Vladímir Kireev.

Fuente: URA.Ru - Российское информационное агентствоURA.Ru - Российское информационное агентство

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Instead of TLS contact information, applicants must now submit a set of documents to the VFS global office. How much does a UK visa cost now, is it easy to get one and for how long is it issued to Russians?

TLScontact's visa application centre in Russia will stop accepting UK visa applications from 5 December. From 4 December, applicants will no longer have access to their companies' online accounts as the transition to a new operator begins. This will be VFS Global, the world's largest visa and consular services centre, which opened an office in Russia in 2019.

But nothing will change for Russians. Sofia Defosse-Aksyutina, head of international projects at the immigration and visa agency Euroresident Easy-Visa, said that getting a British visa will not be easy, since the centers only meet the requirements of embassies. Its features:

— The UK has specific requirements, including documentation and a pre-appointment interview, and all of this takes place. The problem is not with the visa application centre, but with the processing of the visa application at the consulate.

— How are things with UK visas now?

— All types of visas are issued. It is not a fast process, but there are no interruptions in processing.

— Now, approximately how long does it take and how much does it cost?

- From one month to three months. Depending on the emergency, the type of visa and its duration, there are many consular fees, the cost of which is about 15,000 rubles. If you have never been to the UK before, only the 6-month option is available. If you have been there, you already have the option of 6, 2, 5 and 10 months.

— Do you often say “no”?

"I wouldn't say it's a big number, but if your documents are not filled in correctly and some important things don't reach the UK visa officer, you can get a refusal. The British do not want to let in applicants who have problems with the law, with the visa regime of other countries, as well as applicants with the so-called intention to immigrate, that is, applicants who have no family members or income, little work or money to count. This means that instead of coming to the UK to see the sights of the country, he may engage in illegal activities that are contrary to his own interests. come.

“We also paid attention to cash flow.

- Yes, that's right. The option of borrowing money from a friend, putting it in an account and showing a certificate of funds is certainly not suitable. The visa center will ask for proof of movement of funds and will want to confirm that you have the job you declared, you are paid in accordance with the declared amount, you work regularly and stably and use the card. Sufficient funds have been on this card for a long time, the money did not appear yesterday. - In the UK, there are special requirements, including the provision of documentation and a preliminary interview, and all this takes place. It is not the visa center, but the consulate processing the visa application. - All types of visas are issued and although not quickly, the processing is smooth. - From one month to three months. Depending on the emergency, the type of visa and its duration, many consular fees are charged, the cost of which is about 15,000 rubles. If you have never been to the UK before, only the 6-month option is available. If you have ever been to the UK, you already have the option of choosing the 6, 2, 5 and 10 month options. However, if your documents are not filled in correctly and do not provide certain important details to the UK visa officer, they may be rejected. The British do not want to let into their territory applicants who have problems with the law, with the visa regime of other countries, as well as applicants with the so-called intention to immigrate, that is, applicants who do not have family members or income. , work or little money in his account. That is, instead of coming to the UK and seeing the sights of the country, he will most likely engage in illegal activities that are contrary to what he came for. . - Yes, this means that you have the opportunity to borrow money from a friend, put it into your account and show proof of funds. Of course, this is not appropriate. The visa center will ask for proof of funds and will want to confirm that you have the job you declared, you are paid the amount you declared, you work regularly and stably and use the card. There has been a sufficient amount of money on this card for a long time, and it did not appear yesterday.

Last year, VFS Global signed contracts to provide UK visa services in 142 countries, including Russia.

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