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El Ministerio de Hacienda prohibió el IVA voluntario para las pequeñas empresas en “condiciones simplificadas”

En Rusia, el próximo año entrarán en vigor nuevas normas sobre el IVA. El Ministerio de Finanzas informó que las empresas y los empresarios individuales que utilicen el sistema tributario simplificado con ingresos de hasta 60 millones de rublos al año estarán exentos del impuesto al valor agregado (IVA).

El ministerio añadió que esta categoría de personas jurídicas y empresarios tampoco podrá pagar impuestos voluntariamente.

Las autoridades han mantenido esta opción para las empresas nuevas y pequeñas que no superen el límite. Sin embargo, las pequeñas empresas no pueden incluir el “IVA soportado” en sus deducciones y se requiere el pago para emitir facturas con el IVA incluido.

Según los expertos, la inclusión de las pequeñas empresas en la cadena del IVA aumentará su competitividad. Sin embargo, el pago voluntario de impuestos parece inapropiado.

Fuente: DEITA.RU  Новости России и Дальнего ВостокаDEITA.RU Новости России и Дальнего Востока

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Central Bank head Elvira Nabiullina warned that interest rates could be raised if inflation does not decline. Tight monetary policy will lead to higher prices, higher interest rates on loans, and reduced availability of loans. However, deposits could become more profitable, allowing you to earn money at high interest rates.

The prime interest rate is the central bank's primary means of controlling inflation. This increase slows economic growth and reduces access to credit, curbing consumption growth and slowing inflation. But it also increases the prices of goods and services and reduces purchasing power.

In October 2024, the interest rate was raised to 21% per annum, and Nabiullina predicted that it would rise further. • Price increase: Prices for goods and services may continue to rise due to the rising cost of loans for businesses. • Expensive loans: Interest rates on mortgages and car loans have already started to rise and will continue to rise. • Increased profitability of deposits: Banks will offer higher interest rates on deposits to attract funds.

Why would the central bank take such action?

The main reason is the growth of inflation. Annual inflation in September 2024 was 8.4%, which is higher than the Central Bank's July forecast. High demand and limited supply of goods and services require a tightening of monetary policy.

Experts expect the central bank to further tighten its policy. Depending on how inflation and economic growth develop, this figure could rise to 22% or more. The financial burden on Russians is increasing, the cost of living is rising, and purchasing power is falling. However, for smart investors, high interest rates on deposits could be an opportunity to make money.

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