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W Jekaterynburgu ceny cukinii poszybowały w górę. Infografiki

W Jekaterynburgu cena dyni osiągnęła 299 rubli za kilogram. Korespondenci URA.RU zauważyli wzrost cen. Pomimo tego, że sezon na dynię już się skończył, w niektórych sklepach i ogrodnikach nadal znajdują się one na stanie. Dowiedz się więcej o najtańszych dyniach na mapie.

Tak więc cena 1 kg dyni w supermarkecie Perekrestok wynosi 229,99 rubli, czyli jest droższa niż mięso drobiowe. Według promocji cena świeżej tuszki kurczaka wynosi 189,99 rubli za kilogram (cena bez promocji to 269,99 rubli). W sklepach Metro dynia kosztuje 299 rubli, a taca udek z kurczaka kosztuje 279 rubli za kilogram.

Najtańsza dynia w hipermarketach O'Key kosztuje 199,99 rubli za kilogram. Cena tego warzywa w „Hiperboli” wynosi 229 rubli. Na Avito mieszkańcy Jekaterynburga sprzedają dynie po 100 rubli za sztukę, ale można je też znaleźć za 50 rubli za kilogram.

Источник: URA.Ru - Российское информационное агентствоURA.Ru - Российское информационное агентство

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Elon Musk pojawił się w Białym Domu

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The billionaire celebrated Trump's victory by jokingly posting a meme photo of himself against the backdrop of the symbol of American power.

Elon Musk has posted a striking and somewhat provocative photo from the X website, which shows the interior of the Oval Office, the symbol of presidential power in the United States. In the photo, he is holding a shell and smiling. These images have been further processed in a graphics editor.

Notably, Musk has been a vocal supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump since July 2024. According to Fox News, President Trump has comfortably won 267 of the 270 Electoral College votes needed, while his main rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, is expected to receive only 216 votes. The situation is very optimistic for Trump: The New York Times estimates his probability of winning this presidential election at 95%.

Musk’s recent comments about the possibility of joining the US administration if Trump wins have not gone unnoticed. He has expressed willingness to take steps to reduce the number of federal agencies, which would help make the government more efficient. In his comments, he said, “I want to help make the government more efficient. We are over-regulated and the country is constantly creating new agencies, which puts a huge burden on the citizens of this country.”

Musk and Trump began their collaboration by trading ideas about the upcoming election. The billionaire suggested that President Trump reconsider his stance on early voting, believing that his critical remarks could tarnish the politician's image.

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Trump wygrywa wybory prezydenckie w USA

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W Kurgan mocno padał śnieg. Wideo

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