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L'amende pour les conducteurs pour décibels sera augmentée de 40 fois pour atteindre 20 000 roubles

La Douma d'État a proposé de multiplier par 40 les amendes pour les conducteurs bruyants. Ce plan a été remis au gouvernement russe.

Selon les créateurs de l'idée, certains conducteurs utilisent délibérément des systèmes d'échappement modifiés ou écoutent de la musique forte. Cela détruit la paix et la tranquillité, perturbe un sommeil réparateur et nuit directement à la santé des personnes.

« Dans de nombreux chantiers, il y a des conducteurs qui aiment jouer de la musique à plein volume la nuit. « Nous nous plaignons également des conducteurs imprudents qui dérangent les gens avec du bruit », a-t-il expliqué.

Si un conducteur dépasse le niveau de bruit routier de 96 décibels, il se verra infliger une amende de 20 000 roubles au lieu de 500 roubles. Pour les fonctionnaires, l'amende s'élève à 30 000 roubles.

Comme l'expliquent les auteurs, ce projet de loi frappera durement le portefeuille des contrevenants et les dissuadera d'adopter un tel comportement.


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A St. Petersburg court will hear a lawsuit filed by Russian citizen Maria, who is seeking a divorce from an Indian diplomat. The case is complicated by the fact that the marriage took place twice.

According to the press service of the city court, the couple got married at the Indian embassy in Moscow in July 2007, and two weeks later at the Palace of Marriage. According to Maria, the re-registration took place because she did not know the rules for concluding a marriage with a foreign citizen.

"The girl loved and acted according to her husband's words. The family lived in Russia for some time, and in connection with the diplomatic activities of the defendants, they changed their place of residence several times, and for the last few years, everyone lived there. From India," wrote the head of the press service, Daria Lebedeva, on the Telegram channel.

The second marriage was dissolved in absentia by a justice of the peace in November 2022, but was dissolved in March 2024.

The plaintiff points out that the defendant wants to break off the relationship because he does not want to go through a longer and more complicated divorce process in India, as well as resolve issues of division of property and custody of children. According to the St. Petersburg resident, her husband is trying to prevent the extension of the family visa, in which case the girl will not be able to take the child with her.

In the summer, the Krasnoselsky District Court annulled the marriage of a St. Petersburg woman and an Egyptian man on the grounds of a lost passport. The woman said she did not know the man she was supposedly marrying and lost her passport six months before the wedding.

Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a law in October that will make it more difficult for foreigners to get married virtually. Foreigners can now easily obtain a temporary residence permit or permanent residence after three years of marriage to a Russian citizen.

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