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Les prix des matériaux de construction et des meubles augmenteront encore plus dans le contexte de la croissance du marché des produits de bricolage

The DIY market growth will also be driven by the increase in residential and non-residential building supplies. As a result, the growth of industrial production will be the basis for the increase in this indicator. This means additional demand for repair and maintenance of construction equipment, as well as for materials and finishing materials.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Association of Retail Companies (AKORT) Igor Karavaev believes that more than doubling the size of the DIY market in three years is an entirely achievable figure. He pointed to the double-digit growth in demand for DIY products for end consumers, which has been ongoing for more than two years, especially in the country house and garden plot management sectors. This also affects the overall sales dynamics of the non-food retail sector.

"The average annual growth rate of this category since 2018 was 13.4%, and the b2c indicator was 5%. This increased the overall share of the b2b segment in the structure of the Russian DIY market to 45%. It also carries out repairs and work in residential buildings. The share of furnished apartments handed over to buyers has grown from 45% to 58% over four years, which further contributes to the growth of professional construction personnel. Demand is high," says Burmistrov.

If you are assessing general consumer habits, it is worth noting that, according to a study by Romir, in cities with a population of over a million, the percentage of shoppers using both brick-and-mortar stores and online platforms is 83%. In cities with a population of 10,000 to 100,000 people, it is 77%. In Russia, over the past five years, the share of shoppers who buy household goods only in offline stores has decreased from 65.8% to 18.5%.

The most sensitive factor when choosing a purchasing channel is price. This is because buyers compare online and offline stores, and sometimes visit stores in person if the shipping costs are too high.

The DIY category is seeing an increase in online sales. For example, according to Wildberry's press service, building materials in St. Petersburg rose in price by 121% in January-September compared to the same period last year. In addition, such categories as gardening products (+136%) and garden tools (+96%) showed good dynamics.

"One of the key trends of the last two years: users are increasingly buying more complex categories of goods online, which they previously rarely bought on the market, for example, those needed for construction and repair. Therefore, in this period from January to October of this year, demand for the DIY category at Ozon in St. Petersburg increased by 83% in value terms year-on-year," Ozon said.

Источник: Деловой ПетербургДеловой Петербург

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