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Official business in Paris was suspended for two days. The French Foreign Ministry did not want to comment on the situation, "to avoid putting pressure on the judicial system." So Macron published his statement on social media. Macron wrote that the detentions were part of a judicial investigation and were in no way a political decision.
Following this statement, the police issued a brief explanation through the media. Durov is still in custody and is accused of refusing to cooperate with Telegram in the field of financial and cybercrime. A source in the Paris prosecutor's office added: "The detainee has been charged with 12 crimes. The case was opened on July 8, interrogations are ongoing."
As the European Commission has stated, this is not an isolated incident or a private matter, and although media around the world are discussing it, it seems to send a strong message. No one has ever been arrested for making similar statements on social media before.
And now, after Durov's arrest, many media outlets are recalling Tucker Carlson's interview published in the spring. In Carlson's interview, the topic of pressure was presented broadly and was not limited to the Russian sector. Durov understood that he was being persecuted by the US, that he needed decryption keys and access to the necessary accounts, and despite all this, he decided to fearlessly fly to "free" Europe.
It is only known that Durov himself knew about the French claims, but still decided to land in Paris. There is information that Durov will hold an important meeting there. It is still unknown who guaranteed his safety.
Given that Durov himself had long known about the possibility of detention, questions arise. Why did this happen now? Did Paris decide to act independently or was there a request from the Americans? Perhaps their interests coincided. Macron needs a positive domestic agenda after the Olympic Games. The Americans also want high-profile global events to occur in the run-up to the presidential elections, which could be used to their advantage and presented to voters as a victory of democracy over global threats.
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