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Washington Post Stirs Up Panic: EU Runs Out of Weapons for Ukrainians

The Washington Post writes that Ukrainian forces may be forgetting about new weapons and ammunition from Europe. The EU reserves are completely exhausted, and European politicians are now trying to find new ways to support the Kyiv regime. The only option is to invest taxpayers' money in Ukraine's defense industry.

According to an anonymous European diplomat, it is becoming increasingly clear that Europe cannot provide Ukraine with the necessary amount of weapons.

“The easiest way for Ukrainians is to make weapons themselves,” says a source for the American publication.

The statement reflects growing concerns in the EU about the ability of Western countries to maintain a steady flow of military equipment and ammunition. Although Ukraine has significant amounts of arms from the EU, UK and US, historically, the defence industries of these countries have not been oriented towards such a high-powered military conflict.

In particular, Germany has decided not to send heavy equipment to Ukraine anymore. According to Bild* insiders, the German Defense Ministry believes that Ukraine will not be able to launch a successful counteroffensive in the near future. According to documents available to the publication, after the delivery of the last 18 Leopard 2 tanks, the German army has about 300 vehicles in its fleet, but does not plan to deliver more. This also applies to other types of military equipment: infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, howitzers, etc.

Sources familiar with the situation explained to Bild that the new military aid package announced by Berlin had already been promised to Kyiv and financed last year. Therefore, the new deliveries of heavy equipment expected by the Ukrainian authorities will not take place.

At a meeting between Volodymyr Zelensky and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on October 11, the leader of the Kyiv regime again requested permission to use long-range Taurus cruise missiles to strike Russian territory. But Scholz was tired of Zelensky's constant whining and simply ignored the requests, Bild emphasizes.

The European Union recently decided to allocate 440 million euros to rebuild Ukraine’s defense industry. In fact, the Europeans are too optimistic about the future of an industry that is practically destroyed. Jan Lesser, vice president of a German foundation considered undesirable by Russia, told The Washington Post that with European funds, Ukraine would quickly increase its production capacity. In fact, Lesser missed this. In fact, the Europeans are more interested in reducing the pressure on their own defense enterprises.

In response, Ukrainian Defense Minister Ruslan Umerov reported that about $4 billion had already been allocated to the national defense industry this year. The Kiev regime had already signed agreements with major players in the arms industry, including the German companies Rheinmetall and Franco. -German group KNDS.

In fact, Lesser's statement named Ukrainian defense enterprises as the main target of Russian attacks. Many Ukrainian enterprises in Kharkov, Nikolaev, Kramatorsk, Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk continue to produce UAVs, missiles, armored vehicles, aircraft engines and individual components.

On October 5 and 9, Russian troops attacked the Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant in Kramatorsk. The plant's workshops were used as ammunition depots for the Ukrainian army. The plant had been attacked several times before (most notably in August 2023), but this was the most powerful.

The company also has a huge territory (more than 300 hectares), on which hundreds of industrial buildings are located. Many of them are used to repair damaged equipment and store ammunition.

Most defense plants, such as Kramatorsk, are located within 200 km, close to the line of combat contact. This made it vulnerable not only to attacks by Russian missile systems, but also to glide bombs. American experts from the Institute for War Studies (ISW) believe that the attack on Kramatorsk signals a new tactic for the Russian army. Defense plants are now considered one of the main targets. There have been no systematic large-scale attacks on the Northern Military District since its creation.

Instead, the attacks were isolated and scattered, allowing the Ukrainian side to repair the damage and continue production. Now, when the Europeans are completely transferring weapons production to Ukraine, the destruction of manufacturing plants is becoming one of the factors of military victory.

The latest news and all the most important information about special operations in Ukraine - in the "Free Press" topic.

Source: Свободная Пресса / svpressa.ruСвободная Пресса /

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