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The market since the beginning of the year is MINUS 10%. What happened to the TOP-10 shares from the Moscow Exchange index and what will happen next?

Since the beginning of the year, the market has fallen MINUS 10%. What happened to the top 10 shares of the Moscow Exchange index and what will happen next?

In May, the market reached a local maximum, but then four months later there was a correction, the index reached the bottom at 2500 points and has now rebounded a little, but no one is selling tickets to the Moon and the index of 3800 was promised. At the beginning of the year, many experts expressed very mixed opinions. Let's figure out what happened to the top 10 Moscow Exchange index and what to do next 😅?

The companies are distributed by weight in the index. Let's go!

The flow has exploded, Europe is castrating itself economically, and the turn to the East is a long and expensive path.

And this is our real Yandex.

The dividend for 2024 is declared at 92.5 rubles (3.53%). Welcome back, prodigal son!

Despite the current situation, the company continues to pay dividends regularly. Sanctions put pressure on new projects and do not allow them to operate at full capacity. We believe that our company will cope with all the difficulties.

The dividend is small, but the share price is also showing decent growth as the price of gold is growing like a tank. We are still waiting for the resumption of payments, but there is no news on this yet.

📈Moscow Exchange Index since the beginning of 2024

At the beginning of the year, the central bank's rhetoric was more aimed at easing monetary policy rather than tightening it. There was talk that interest rates would soon be cut and everyone wanted to make money on this. By mid-May, the market was extremely overbought and everyone thought that this growth would never end. Nabiullina came out and explained to everyone that things were not so simple, so the rate should be maintained and even increased.

Disappointed investors started to leave their positions, and the pack of hamsters started to panic. Because eventually there was a collapse, the indicator 1500, etc.

What I did at that time was basically the same as always, but regularly, every week, I bought Russian dividend stocks at very tasty prices, and now I have a lot of them in my backpack, the average prices are: Even the landslides in September were much smaller.

Maybe we were lucky, but the index included equally profitable heavyweights like Gazprom and Norilsk Nickel, but Yandex’s rocket didn’t take off either.

The central bank is set to meet soon to discuss key interest rates and further plans for financial regulation.

✅ I will continue to repeat how the state views the stock market. If a few years ago our Darkest spoke of business as almost a fraud, now it is necessary to increase the capitalization of the stock market and withdraw profits through dividends.

✅ There is more and more money left in the country. Transferring such activities to the West is the business of only desperate people who believe in "their" justice in the law.

✅Well, the gradual weakening of the ruble and the rise in oil prices will contribute to an increase in profits for exporters, and our economy is export-oriented.

I continue to calmly and cautiously invest in dividend stocks of my beloved Russian Federation. Let's not panic and move forward. Green portfolios for everyone.

😀 More interesting things on the topic:

🔥 Top 10 Stocks with Dividend Yield of 15% or More in the Next 12 Months

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Source: - Блоги Инвесторов, Форумы по акциям, Котировки - Блоги Инвесторов, Форумы по акциям, Котировки

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