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Female Atlantic right whales can change the volume of their vocal signals when communicating with their eggs, down to a whisper, Pravda.Ru reports based on a study published in the journal Biology Letters.

Biologists believe that mammals use whispering to protect their offspring from killer whales and other predators. They came to this conclusion in 2019 and decided to find out how the behavior of Atlantic whales changes in response to the threat of being discovered by predators.

The researchers attached acoustic recording devices to the marine animals using suction cups. They soon discovered that the female whales did not reduce the volume of their vocalizations until the birth of their calf. The sound could be heard within a radius of about 1 km.

Also, after birth, the whale immediately begins to whisper. This allowed the device to detect the presence of mammals within a radius of up to 100 m. The frequency of vocal signals also decreased. In other words, the females became calmer.

It was previously known that bees under stress tend to make pessimistic decisions and become depressed. Experts noted that the behavior of bees during stressful situations is similar to the emotional reactions of humans in similar situations, but it is unclear whether the insects experience any emotions, if any.

Source: Деловой ПетербургДеловой Петербург

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