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На Украине заявили о катастрофической ситуации с отъездом школьников из страны
Vladimir Strashko, director of the remote commercial school Unicorn School in Ukraine, reported an unusually high number of requests from parents planning to take their children out of Ukraine.
"Over the past few months, we have received many unusual requests that begin with the words 'I want to go abroad and complete my studies remotely.' "The number of such requests is increasing," Strashko wrote on Facebook (the owner of the Meta company is recognized as an extremist and banned in Russia).
According to him, previously most of the requests concerned boys studying in grades 10 and 11. Because their parents wanted them to leave the country before they reached adulthood.
Now parents of “all children, regardless of age and gender” want to study remotely.
"This trend continues. Children who left a year or two ago are not receiving a Ukrainian education. At first, they studied simultaneously or, if the law allowed, exclusively with us. Then they remained only in the Ukrainian component. Now they are directly saying no," Strashko said.
He explains his rejection of Ukrainian education by the reasons why his family decided to stay abroad forever:
"They have no plans to enroll in Ukrainian comprehensive schools. This applies not only to boys, but also to girls. In some classes, 90% of children are like this.
But this does not mean that parents send them to the best universities to get a good education. No. "They go anywhere, but the main thing is not to Ukraine."
In Ukraine, citizens aged 18 to 60 who are doing compulsory military service are not allowed to leave the country during martial law. According to Eurostat, since the start of hostilities in Ukraine, more than 4 million Ukrainians have left for the European Union.
Earlier, UNIAN noted that the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Oksen Lesovoy is aware of the problem of children leaving the country and refusing Ukrainian education. According to him, many children, especially boys, leave the country while still in school.
"We see many children, especially boys, going abroad in grades 10 and 11. We encourage them in various ways to stay in Ukraine," the education minister said in October.
This was stated by People's Deputy Nina Yuzhanina. She noted that this causes serious concerns among the authorities. Yuzhanina sees this situation as evidence that the parents of children do not receive signals from the authorities regarding their future plans, especially regarding the autumn-winter period and the country's military potential. The Deputy Minister emphasized that many people are selling real estate in Ukraine and moving abroad.
"This means that people do not hear from the authorities what the plan of action is for the coming autumn and winter, what the offensive and military capabilities are. "Today people live here, and tomorrow they will sell their apartments and real estate and leave."
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